Sunday, March 21, 2010

US Neutralization in WWII

What if history was altered and every single event changed? What if Trotsky was ruler instead of Stalin? What if Hitler was never meant to be dictator? What if the Holocaust never happened? Let’s say our world was a war free world – no violence, no crimes… How would that affect us today? What if the attack in Pearl Harbor never occurred? Could have the US just stayed neutral for the whole World War II?

WWII… our second world war where the Allies fought against the Axis. Countries fought day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute. For three years (1939-1941), the US stayed neutral. They were out of the war although some people called the interventionists wanted to take part in the war and help the Allies. Because of this, the US turned away from neutrality to preparedness. They prepared a great army in case of surprise attacks from other countries.

What exactly happened in Pearl Harbor? Why did the Japanese attack the US? In October 1940, the Americans have gotten a hold of Japan’s plan to attack Southeast Asia. They were to conquer European colonies which could also damage the Philippine Islands and Guam who are both American controlled. Since Roosevelt cancelled oil shipments to Japan, their next plan was to attack European powers and the US by surprise. Admiral Yamamoto, one of Japan’s greatest strategists, wanted an attack to take place on the US fleet of Hawaii. On the morning of December 7, 1941, the battle started. 183 Japanese war planes destroyed the US fleet docked at Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, about 2300 died and 188 planes were damaged. Four days passed after the attack and the Americans luck just kept getting worse and worse. Hitler, the great chancellor of Germany, the fierce dictator, made war on the US. This event pushed President Franklin D. Roosevelt to force the Congress for a massive and quick army as soon as possible.

But why, why did Roosevelt have to wait for a devastating attack in order to enter World War II? Well, lots of American politicians wanted to be involved in the war but Roosevelt said that the only way they will go to war is if he gets re-elected. General Hugh Johnson once said that once he is re-elected into office he will drag the US into war. But still, Roosevelt had opportunities to be involved in the war. Japan and China were fighting and same with Germany and Great Britain. Also, Roosevelt couldn’t bring America in war because of its economy at that time. He prioritized the country’s economy first over war involvement. Trading with different countries like Russia, France, Germany, and Japan was enough to put the country in the same ranks as Germany and its allies. The only concern of America then was commercial rivalry against Germany and Japan in the European and Asian market.

Now, if the US stayed neutral for the whole war, which means none of Pearl Harbor happened, what would this country be? For sure, America will still be one of the richest countries in the world given its vast amounts of natural resources and advanced industrial knowledge. However, the US would not be as powerful and influential as it is in the today. This country would be the likes of the current impartial countries of Switzerland and Sweden, rich and economically prosperous but politically neutral. It could have been a peaceful America today only if this country avoided to get involved in World War II. There won’t be any terrorists interested to attack the US, no deployment of military personnel, and less casualties.

Word Count: 602


  1. America is geographically isolated from most of the other world's conflicts. I think that Roosevelt needed to wait until the American people "felt it" for example the bombing of our own fleet on our own territory to be willing to go to war.

  2. I belive that because the US entered the war we are as stong as we are today. If we hadn't entered the war I believe that mnay countries would look down on us as though we have no power at all.

  3. Countries usually won't want to enter a war unless they have no choice. War costs money, supplies, and lives. America did the right thing by waiting until it was absolutely neccessary to join and Roosevelt was smart to think about the economy first, and the war going on across the world second. If America never fought in WWII, I think we would be a much weaker military power and probably wouldn't have the same allies we do today.

  4. Do you think that if these historical events never happened our world would be the same?

  5. I think that entering in late was a good decision to "test the waters" and see what we needed to bring to the table.

  6. I think it was a good idea for us to go to war and that it was smart for us to wait. like Jeff said our economy wasn't ready for a war just yet, and only to go to war when we absolutely had to. Just because we fought in the war doesn't mean that's what made terrorist come after us, but i think it made us stronger as a country.

  7. @tony: You have a great point but I don't really think that America will be looked down upon if we didn't enter the war. It would probably just lose its title as Supreme Power.

    @taylor: As I said above, US life would definitely be different. Read the last paragraph for more information.

    @jillian: Yes, WWII definitely made an impact on where our country stands now. It obviously doesn't mean that because of it, terrorists attacks occured like 9-11. It's just that we get so much involved with political problems of other countries that make us prone to be a target for terrorist attacks.

  8. I agree with jillian. THe United States entering when its unnecessary is not good. it puts a bigger mark on United States and people don't want us to get involved.
